Polystyrene Densifier
Recycle Soiled Polystyrene
(Similar to StyrofoamTM)
Reduce your business or school’s waste by 95%

The StyroGenieTM Polystyrene (similar to StyrofoamTM) Densifier, SG-1200, is a low cost, thermal densification machine that reverses the styrofoam manufacturing process by removing the air and returning it to a liquid resin.
The resin is then cooled and formed into small briquettes that are sent to FSS for resource recovery. FSS will coordinate logistics for the block pick-up and shipping.
Briquettes are collected in two bottom trays. Up to 1,800 soiled trays are easily loaded through a large forward facing door. A single Briquette represents over 900 polystyrene trays.

- Recycles Soiled Polystyrene (similar to StyrofoamTM)
- 95% foam waste volume reduction
- 70% reduction in waste removal costs
- 100% landfill diversions
- 100% U.S. Recycled and resource recover
- Contributes to preservation of our natural resources
- Contributes to reduction of CO2
- Meets/Exceeds Sustainability Initiatives
- Foster Environmental Education and Awareness
What do you do with your SytroGenie Densified Foam Blocks?
Our Stack n’ Wrap Program is the solution:
FSS will coordinate logistics for block pick-up and shipping. The pallets are directly shipped to our processing centers, where the blocks are converted back into the resources from which they were originally produced. Speak to our FSS representative for all the solutions.
Stack & Wrap answers on how to prepare your denisified foam blocks:

Set-up your Stack n’ Wrap Pick-up today. Please fill out this form to get in touch:
StyroGenieTM Press and Informational Videos
Inspiring school district photos and videos on the FSS’s food waste and polystyrene (similar to StyrofoamTM) waste reduction programs.

How to Foster & Incentivize
Intra-Departmental Collaboration to
Increase District Wide $avings?
Saves $500/month on waste disposal costs
about $5,000 per year, for 15 years!
Watch our videos!
Little Miami Schools
Dripping Springs Schools
StyroGenie – Innovators of the Month
Round Rock ISD
Tap-N-Stack Carts
StyroGenieTM Video and Article by Griffin Middle School
“Using StyroGenie, a machine which turns Styrofoam into recyclable material, the students—who now attend The Colony High School—have reduced on-site polystyrene waste volume by 98 percent. As a result, the pilot program offers waste collection fee savings and keeps foam waste from local landfills — benefitting the school, community, and environment.”
Excerpt from Aramak Adopted Program at Lewisville ISD, Texas
Why the StyroGenieTM Polystyrene Densifier is Perfect for Schools
StyroGenie’s waste reduction and recycling programs for polystyrene foam and food waste address 8 of 13 characteristics of a Green School.
US Green Building Council Characteristics of a Green School
1. Conserves energy and natural resources (less fossil fuel, no dishwasher/water)
2. Saves taxpayer money (saves waste removal cost, no need for high cost alternative products)
3. Improves indoor air quality
4. Removes toxic materials from places where children learn and play
5. Employs day lighting strategies and improves classroom acoustics
6. Employs sustainable purchasing and green cleaning practices
7. Improves environmental literacy (education tool, S.T.E.M. programs, Green Team)
8. Decreases the burden on municipal water and wastewater treatment (No dishwashing)
9. Encourages waste management efforts to benefit the local community & region (100% landfill diversion)
10. Conserves fresh drinking water
11. Encourages recycling (100% of waste is recycled)
12. Promotes habitat protection
13. Reduces demand on local landfills (100% diversion, recycling, resource recovery)
Join Us In Saving and Cleaning Up Our Oceans!
For every StyroGenieTM purchased we are contributing to The Ocean Cleanup. The first ocean plastics products ridding the ocean of plastics!